Peksman is a product of series of collaboration of ideas, and inspirations from the people who has become its pillars.
Felize Ruth Billena
Associate Producer
Nostalgia always hits home.
Do you ever get that unexplainably warm feeling when you reminisce the days of your childhood? No worries, no schedules to follow, no lonely moments. As incoming young professionals, we (the team) were at a point in our lives where we slowly let go of our childish ways and move on to the next chapter of life; but as the random millenials we are, we didn't want to forget how it was to be a child - spending time with friends while fulfilling a mission, doing silly things, and being a super hero in our own ways.
Peksman is a field trip which will bring us to the promised life of all children to their future selves: An unforgetable adventure.
Erin Gillian Alvarez
Executive Producer
As kids we've been taught to comply and be quiet. But, of course, as kids, we know better than that. We are curious. We are fearless. We are bold. And no matter what kind of hindrances we face, we shall get through it - whatever it takes.
In the creation of this film, the What About Team has faced struggles but we know for our selves that we are larger than any of those. With commitment and tenacity, we got through it.

I did not see that coming! And I think unexpected ending makes a movie exciting to watch. Congrats to Team Peksman!
I love the reveal of this film! Congratulations to the whole team! Congrats Direk Dan! 😀